Imaging Findings:
Cirrhotic liver of unknown etiology.
Hypovascular appearing round mass in the right lobe (arrow) with somewhat nodular peripheral intralesional enhancing portions. Note that the enhancement does not follow blood pool density on arterial and venous phase like cavernous hemangiomas typically do, but only on equilibrium phase. Ultrasound guided biopsy of this lesion revealed telangiectatic adenoma.
Another rounded lesion in segment 5/6 had fatty components with more central progressive enhancement and was biopsy proven focal fat and not an adenoma.
Small subcapsular typical cavernous hemangioma (arrowhead).
Zonal perfusion anomaly in the right hepatic lobe due to portal venous cavernous transformation from remote portal vein thrombosis (shown here).
Portal vein thrombosis can alter the enhancement pattern of focal masses, resulting in atypical appearances difficult to diagnose.