Users Manual – Bookmarking & Emailing Cases

When you register for an account with The Liver Imaging Atlas, you gain access to powerful tools for organizing and sharing atlas content.

Bookmarking Cases

When you are logged in to The Liver Imaging Atlas you have the option to save cases from the atlas to your personal account by clicking the   icon. Clicking the icon for a single case in list or individual view will save that case to a your account.  If you click the icon above a list of cases you can bookmark them all at once (or select a set of cases from the full list).

Bookmarked cases may be placed into collections. Collections allow you to organize your bookmarks for later use as an educational or training tool.  When you add bookmarks for one or more cases, you may place them into an existing collection or create a new collection by providing a name.

If you have already saved a bookmark for a case, the   icon for that case will change to a   icon. When you click this icon you may delete the bookmark from your account, remove it from a collection, or add it to a new collection.  A bookmarked case may be listed in one or more collections, or in no collection.

Managing Bookmarks & Folders

When you are logged into The Liver Imaging Atlas, you may view all your bookmarked cases and collections by clicking on the "my atlas" button in the right upper corner.  

In the bookmark management view, all of your bookmarked cases are listed in the left column.  The edit icon   next to each case allows you to add the case to new or existing collections, remove it from collections, or delete the bookmark entirely.

In the bookmark management view, your collections are listed in the right column.  You may expand the collection listing to view the bookmarked cases it contains.  You may click the   icon for a collection to update the name of the collection or delete it from your account. If you delete a collection, the bookmarks it contains are kept in your account.

Searching With Bookmarks and Collections

By default, The Liver Imaging Atlas will search all cases Search In: Full Atlas. When you are logged in, however, you may limit this by selecting a set with the Search In:  button.  
You may choose to limit searches to all your bookmarks: Search In: My Bookmarks or to any of your collections Search In: A Collection. At all times, the current search set will be displayed in the search control panel next to the current modality buttons CT, MR and US. If a subset is selected, this button will be highlighted.

Emailing Cases

When you are logged in to The Liver Imaging Atlas you may email links to atlas cases to yourself or your colleagues. To do so, click the icon.  A pop-up window will appear. You may provide one or more email addresses.  You may also enter a short personal message to be included in the email. If the icon is clicked for a list of cases, the email will contain a link for every case in the list you choose.



